Home Nature and man The common dandelion - a decoration of nature, food and medicine Ona Ragažinskienė, www.mokslolietuva.lt 2021 07 27 06:10 0 The common dandelion - a decoration of nature, food and medicine |photo of mzkolsolieutuva.ltDid you know that one common dandelion plant matures up to 8,000 years?seeds?And that all its parts are used to treat various diseases?Undoubtedly, dandelion is one of the most well-known, resistant and hardy spring medicinal plants, delighting with the carpet of yellow flowers in meadows, woodlands, fields, roadsides, but annoying gardeners as a persistent weed.Botanical description Common dandelion (lat. Taraxacum officinale - FH Wigg) belongs to the Asteraceae family (Bercht. & J. Presl).Perennial herb 10-25 cm tall.The root is vest-shaped, thick, juicy, yellow or yellow-brown, with a white center.The leaves are deeply lobed, clustered with scutes.In May, peduncles grow, with one spike at the top.A few weeks after flowering, the fruits ripen, light brown pods with circles that are spread by the wind.Grižas is like a fluffy head.The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia, etc.Valuable medicinal and food plant Medicinal plant raw material - dandelion roots (Taraxici radix).They are dug in the fall of the second or third growing year (September-October, at the end of the vegetation) or early spring (before the beginning of the vegetation).Dandelion leaves (Taraxici folium) are harvested when they emerge (April-May), and dandelion inflorescences (Taraxici flos) are harvested in April-May.The European pharmacopoeia describes the medicinal plant material - dandelion roots together with dandelion leaves (Taraxaci radix cum herba).Both above-ground and underground parts of common dandelion accumulate biologically active compounds, so all parts of the plant are used to treat various diseases.Recently, the chemical, medicinal and toxicological properties of this plant have been extensively studied in the world, and their medicinal properties are substantiated by clinical studies.Dandelion roots accumulate terpenes, triterpenes: taraxasterol, β-taraxasterol;their 16-hydroxy compounds: arnidole and faradiol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, β-D-glucopyranoside, stigmasterol;phenolic compounds - phenolic acids (esters of coffee, coffee and wine (tartaric) acid - caftaric acid; chicory acid; ester of coffee and quinic acid - chlorogenic acid (3-caffeoylquinic acid) and its isomer cryptochlorogenic acid (4-caffeoylquinic acid), p -coumaric, vanillic, syringic, protocatechuic and ρ-hydroxybenzoic acids; coumarins: umbelliferone, esculetin, scopoletin, esculin, chicoryin. Dandelion | pexels.com photo. In addition, the roots contain inulin, carotenoids (lutein), fatty acids (myristic acid ), minerals, sugar (fructose, glucose, mannitol), vitamins, mucus, pectin substances. The terpenes found in dandelion leaves are sesquiterpene lactones. Taraxinic acid β-D - glucopyranoside, 11, 13-dihydrotaraxinic acid β-D- glucopyranoside, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, β-sitosterol They are rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D) and trace elements (iron, silicon, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zincko, manganese, copper and phosphorus), beta-carotene, xanthophylls, chlorophyll.Dandelion flowers accumulate phenolic acids: caftar, chicory and chlorogenic;flavonoids: luteolin and its glycosides (cinnaroside (luteolin-7-O-glucoside), luteolin-7-O-diglucoside, free chrysoeriol (luteolin 3-methylether). Carotenoids are found in the rings, the most important of which is lutein epoxide. Uses Dandelion is used in the traditional medicine of various countries as a natural diuretic. Now in Europe, Asia and America, their preparations are applied in modern medicine to treat hypertension, edema, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes insipidus, congestive heart failure, kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, glaucoma, liver diseases and osteoporosis. the sesquiterpene lactones in the leaves and roots have digestive properties: they stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juices and the activity of bile. Due to these properties, medicines made from them have digestive and appetite-improving, mild laxative effects. Dandelion roots contain a large amount (up to 40%) offiber inulin.This affects the establishment of good bacteria, promoting their growth and restoring normal intestinal microflora.In addition, inulin regulates blood sugar levels.Dandelion root drugs have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors: obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypercholesterolemia.Aqueous extract of dandelion leaves has an anticancer effect: it inhibits the growth of MCF-7/AF breast cancer cells and the invasion of LNCaP prostate cancer cells into type 1 collagen.The phenolic acids (chlorogenic and coffee) of dandelion extracts have an antiviral effect: in vitro proven activity against Herpes simplex and parainfluenza virus and the multiplication of influenza virus.The common dandelion, called the "root of life" in folk medicine, is used to prevent atherosclerosis and improve general well-being.Dandelion leaves in spring are a source of vitamins.Dandelion roots, dug in the spring, before the beginning of the plant's vegetation, are recommended for people with diabetes due to their high inulin content.During the flowering period of dandelions, people who are often sick, depressed and tired are advised to eat ten flowers every day.Dandelion leaf juice is used externally to treat calluses, warts and freckles.Side effects Dandelion should not be used by people who are allergic to plants of the aster family (Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl), as well as common dandelion;in the case of obstruction of the intestinal and bile ducts;in cases of gallstones.Children should not taste the milky juice of dandelions or drink a decoction of their roots, as it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or even heart rhythm disturbances.Other areas of use Food plant.Salads are made from fresh dandelion leaves.In the spring, fresh dandelion flowers are used to make jam (honey-flavored), and "milk wine" is made.Dried and roasted dandelion roots are used as a substitute for coffee.A woody plant.Dandelion flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, which is food for bees.Fodder plant.Dandelion leaves are a vitamin feed for birds and rabbits.It is important to know that common dandelion is a medicinal plant that has not only medicinal properties but also side effects, so it is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting treatment with dandelion medicines.The author is the head of the Scientific Department of Medicinal and Spice Plants at the Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University.Prepared according to VDU report Print 🖨 Related articles: Useful sprouts: between food and medicine Suggested videos: ALKO TURINYSALKO TURINYS Select category Alko radio "What is the meaning of...?" Current story About law and not only Voice of Youth Travel compass My city Us and them Let's talk Conversations with Audrius Antanaičius Radio excursion "Reflections" Transparency talk Business voice Nature and man Energy Nature and ecology Diversities Travel Kylam Psychology Health Holy places Culture Architecture Ethnic culture History Language Cultural heritage Cultural policy Literature Art We are white Religion Holidays Science Astronomy and cosmonautics Science works Science news Technics and technologies News in Baltic lands in Lithuania Abroad Opinion circle Eyewitnesses Lithuanian path Lithuanian creators No to re-Polonization of Lithuania!Thoughts of students Sunday fairy tale Statements Horses of the sun Discussions Ethnic cultural heritage Photo galleries Living tradition From fashion history From scientific research Travel slowly: getting to know the homeland Other cultures Labyrinths of cultural theories Creation Fashion blogger Margos pivos: events We read books News Practical tips Professions Editorial Subcultures Educators and students Readings Diaries, impressions, reviews Fine art Fun Classics of Lithuanian studies Pre-war readings Words for the soul Images and sounds Sounds Images for the mind Images for the soul Image galleries All posts Society Letters to Hunger Civil society Politics and economy Education Voice of Ukraine Lithuanians abroad Media People Write a comment Cancel replyE-mail.e-mail address will not be published.Required fields are marked * Comment Name * E-maile-mail address * Website I want to save name, e-mail address in my web browseremail address and website so that I don't have to re-enter them the next time I want to post a comment again.Current ye@r * Leave this field empty Other Articles Where is the most food lost?07.08.2022 Honey: from the times of the LDK to now 07.06.2022 On the State Day - traditional recipes for steaks 07.06.2022 Shopping Lithuanians turn to Poland again 07.03.2022 Rabbit meat - one of the most valuable types of meat 07.03.2022 Two new signs for food quality 06.30.2022 More Lithuanian products will reach Taiwan 06/27/2022 Summer weather, sports and nutrition 06/26/2022 The seaside and smoked fish are inseparable.However... 06/25/2022 Extra kilograms appear unexpectedly 06/25/2022 Show more News Variety Three rules when choosing cosmetics for a child 07/09/2022 Variety Home security should not be the last thing 2022 07/09 Language Baltic Esperantists Days will be held in Klaipėda 07/09/2022 New archive service rates came into force in Lithuania 2022 07 09 History Kernavė invites you to see with your own eyes how Lithuanians lived hundreds of years ago 07 09 2022 Nature and man What is important to know when preparing for a vacation?07/09/2022 In Lithuania, members of the Seimas also request funds for Šiauliai 07/09/2022 In Lithuania, the President vetoed changes to the election law 07/08/2022 READERS' NOTES Died about R. Karbauskis.An attempt is made to disrupt the Naisii summer festival References to the invasion of Russia and Belarus.Situation overview 07.08.2022 12:45 D Ė MESIO !!!about the invasion of Russia and Belarus.Situation overview 2022 07 08 12:45 Continent about Belarus will no longer provide education in Lithuanian in Lithuanian schools LATEST ARTICLES Three rules when choosing cosmetics for a child Home safety should not be the last thing R. Karbauskis.Attempts are being made to destroy the Naisii summer festival. Baltic Esperanto Days will be held in Klaipėda Read articles AV Rakšnys, A. Guogis, V. Smalskys.Studies on the development of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of Lithuania reviewed: 3119;comments: 2 The Lithuanian authorities are urged to return the royal titles to the historical rulers of Lithuania viewed: 1621;comments: 80 S. Buškevičius.Royal Transit - Time Bomb viewed: 885;comments: 31 Seimas: V. Landsbergis was the head of state viewed: 689;comments: 34 A. Navys, M. Sėjūnas.Who will stop the horde?viewed: 604;comments: 40 "Current History": Belarus and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania viewed: 573;comments: 1 Upcoming events Traditional dance camp ŠAKIų r.2022-08-03 08:00 - 2022-08-07 17:00 View all Events Other Articles Where is the most food lost?by Ditė Česėkaitė 2022 07 08 0 It is estimated that about 40 percentof food grown in the world is wasted.Although we often say that everyone must buy and consume responsibly... Read more Honey: from the time of the LDK to now by Ditė Česėkaitė 2022 07 06 0 In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania founded by Mindaugas, honey was one of the most important export goods.Therefore, it is not surprising that honey is an integral part of the cuisine of the LDK... Read more on State Day - traditional barbecue recipes by Ditė Česėkaitė 2022 07 06 0 In recent decades, various barbecue dishes have become more popular than ever in Lithuania, but Lithuanians enjoyed them hundreds of years ago.Commemorating the King of Lithuania... Read more Readers' opinions: Poem about R. Karbauskis.An attempt is made to disrupt the Naisii summer festival References to the invasion of Russia and Belarus.Situation overview 07.08.2022 12:45 D Ė MESIO !!!about the invasion of Russia and Belarus.Situation overview 2022 07 08 12:45 Continent about Belarus will no longer provide education in Lithuanian in Lithuanian schools post about R. Karbauskis.An attempt is being made to disrupt the Naisii summer festivalDandelion is a decoration of nature, food and medicinephoto of mzkolsolieutuva.ltDid you know that one common dandelion plant matures up to 8,000 years?seeds?And that all its parts are used to treat various diseases?Undoubtedly, dandelion is one of the most well-known, resistant and hardy spring medicinal plants, delighting with the carpet of yellow flowers in meadows, woodlands, fields, roadsides, but annoying gardeners as a persistent weed.Botanical descriptionCommon dandelion (lat. Taraxacum officinale - FH Wigg) belongs to the Asteraceae family (Bercht. & J. Presl).Perennial herb 10-25 cm tall.The root is vest-shaped, thick, juicy, yellow or yellow-brown, with a white center.The leaves are deeply lobed, clustered with scutes.In May, peduncles grow, with one spike at the top.A few weeks after flowering, the fruits ripen, light brown pods with circles that are spread by the wind.Grižas is like a fluffy head.The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia, etc.Valuable medicinal and food plantMedicinal plant material - dandelion roots (Taraxici radix).They are dug in the fall of the second or third growing year (September-October, at the end of the vegetation) or early spring (before the beginning of the vegetation).Dandelion leaves (Taraxici folium) are harvested when they emerge (April-May), and dandelion inflorescences (Taraxici flos) are harvested in April-May.The European pharmacopoeia describes the medicinal plant material - dandelion roots together with dandelion leaves (Taraxaci radix cum herba).Both above-ground and underground parts of common dandelion accumulate biologically active compounds, so all parts of the plant are used to treat various diseases.Recently, the chemical, medicinal and toxicological properties of this plant have been extensively studied in the world, and their medicinal properties are substantiated by clinical studies.Dandelion roots accumulate terpenes, triterpenes: taraxasterol, β-taraxasterol;their 16-hydroxy compounds: arnidole and faradiol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, β-sitosterol, β-D-glucopyranoside, stigmasterol;phenolic compounds - phenolic acids (esters of coffee, coffee and wine (tartaric) acid - caftaric acid; chicory acid; ester of coffee and quinic acid - chlorogenic acid (3-caffeoylquinic acid) and its isomer cryptochlorogenic acid (4-caffeoylquinic acid), p -coumaric, vanillic, syringic, protocatechuic and ρ-hydroxybenzoic acids; coumarins: umbelliferone, esculetin, scopoletin, esculin, chicoryin. Dandelion | pexels.com photo.In addition, the roots contain inulin, carotenoids (lutein), fatty acids (myristic acid), minerals, sugar (fructose, glucose, mannitol), vitamins, mucus, pectin substances.The terpenes found in dandelion leaves are sesquiterpene lactones.Taraxinic acid β-D-glucopyranoside, 11, 13-dihydrotaraxinic acid β-D-glucopyranoside, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, β-sitosterol give the leaves a bitter taste.They are rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D) and trace elements (iron, silicon, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper and phosphorus), beta-carotene, xanthophylls, chlorophyll.Dandelion flowers accumulate phenolic acids: caftar, chicory and chlorogenic;flavonoids: luteolin and its glycosides (cinnaroside (luteolin-7-O-glucoside), luteolin-7-O-diglucoside, free chrysoeriol (luteolin 3-methylether). Carotenoids are found in the rings, the most important of which is lutein epoxide. UseDandelion is used in traditional medicine in various countries as a natural diuretic.Now in Europe, Asia and America, their preparations are used in modern medicine to treat hypertension, edema, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes insipidus, congestive heart failure, kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, glaucoma, liver diseases and osteoporosis.The sesquiterpene lactones in the leaves and roots of dandelion have digestive properties: they stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juices and the activity of bile.Due to these properties, medicines made from them have digestive and appetite-improving, mild laxative effects.Dandelion roots contain a large amount (up to 40%) of the fiber substance inulin.This affects the establishment of good bacteria, promoting their growth and restoring normal intestinal microflora.In addition, inulin regulates blood sugar levels.Dandelion root drugs have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors: obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypercholesterolemia.Aqueous extract of dandelion leaves has an anticancer effect: it inhibits the growth of MCF-7/AF breast cancer cells and the invasion of LNCaP prostate cancer cells into type 1 collagen.The phenolic acids (chlorogenic and coffee) of dandelion extracts have an antiviral effect: in vitro proven activity against Herpes simplex and parainfluenza virus and the multiplication of influenza virus.The common dandelion, called the "root of life" in folk medicine, is used to prevent atherosclerosis and improve general well-being.Dandelion leaves in spring are a source of vitamins.Dandelion roots, dug in the spring, before the beginning of the plant's vegetation, are recommended for people with diabetes due to their high inulin content.During the flowering period of dandelions, people who are often sick, depressed and tired are advised to eat ten flowers every day.Dandelion leaf juice is used externally to treat calluses, warts and freckles.Side effectsDandelions should not be used by people who are allergic to plants of the aster family (Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl), as well as common dandelion;in the case of obstruction of the intestinal and bile ducts;in cases of gallstones.Children should not taste the milky juice of dandelions or drink a decoction of their roots, as it can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or even heart rhythm disturbances.Other areas of useFood plant.Salads are made from fresh dandelion leaves.In the spring, fresh dandelion flowers are used to make jam (honey-flavored), and "milk wine" is made.Dried and roasted dandelion roots are used as a substitute for coffee.A woody plant.Dandelion flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, which is food for bees.Fodder plant.Dandelion leaves are a vitamin feed for birds and rabbits.It is important to know that common dandelion is a medicinal plant that has not only medicinal properties but also side effects, so it is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting treatment with dandelion medicines.The author is the head of the Scientific Department of Medicinal and Spice Plants at the Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University.Prepared according to VMU report Print 🖨 Related articles: Useful sprouts: between food and medicineemaile-mail address will not be published.Required fields are marked with *I want to save name, e-mail in my web browser.email address and website so that I don't have to re-enter them the next time I want to post a comment again.See all EventsIt is estimated that about 40 percentof food grown in the world is wasted.Although we often say that we all have to buy and use responsibly...In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania founded by Mindaugas, honey was one of the most important export goods.So it is not surprising that honey is an integral part of LDK cuisine...In recent decades, various barbecue dishes have become more popular than ever in Lithuania, but Lithuanians enjoyed them hundreds of years ago.In commemoration of the King of Lithuania...News |Circle of Opinions |Culture Society |Nature and man |Science Readings |VideoAlkas |All Essays |Support Alka Pradžiawritten works |Quick Divorce Online - Divorce Lawyers |Siuskpigiau.lt shipments in Lithuania |Entertainment, beauty, wellness offers |irrigator |vitamin c serum |air humidifier |HiMountains |iddo.lt modern tables |body creams |August.lt - cleaning facilities |fs22 mods |https://lazerineklinika.lt/ |https://sportsman.lt/ |Diamond Earrings |https://www.aleina.lt |Car rental |drogas.lt |CBD oil in LithuaniaLittle India |Packaging goods |Farming Simulator 22 mods |ETS2 Mods |FS22 Mods |FS22 mods download |Bigbank.lt |Fishing equipment online© 2011 Alkas.lt - All rights reserved.|The website was created by Studio 4D